What is my Birth Tree? A Beginner’s Guide to Celtic Birth Trees and Symbols

Trees have a potent, natural magic that draws us to them, a subtle energy that gently holds and steadies us, even in this fast-paced digital world. From paintings and sculptures to music and poetry, trees have been celebrated for their beauty, symbolism, and their connection to the earth. They are an enduring source of inspiration and creativity for my jewellery collections and nature-inspired designs.

In many traditional cultures across the world, trees represent the cycle of life and death, as well as the interconnectedness of all living things. One fascinating aspect of this symbolism can be seen in the practice of connecting certain species of trees to precise points of the year.

Known as Birth Trees, these seasonal connections are deeply rooted in the druidic culture, a pre-Christian spiritual and religious movement that emerged in Western Europe during the Iron Age.

The trees are coming into leaf
Like something almost being said;
The recent buds relax and spread,
Their greenness is a kind of grief.

Is it that they are born again
And we grow old? No, they die too,
Their yearly trick of looking new
Is written down in rings of grain.

Yet still the unresting castles thresh
In full grown thickness every May.
Last year is dead, they seem to say,
Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.
— Phillip Larkin

What is a Birth Tree?

Birth trees are beautiful, ancient emblems of the everlasting relationship between humans and trees. Each month is related to a specific tree which connects to anyone born at that point in the year. The practice of celebrating and acknowledging birth trees comes from the Celtic tree calendar, which aligns a tree to each of us, based on our birth date.

Druids were known for their deep connection to nature and their use of plants and trees in their spiritual practices. They believed that the time of a person’s birth played an integral part in the formation of their personality and that they would go on to develop certain characteristics connected to specific tree species.

Interestingly, the Celtic tree calendar has not twelve, but thirteen trees of the year. This is because it follows the lunar cycle of the moon. The lunar cycle outlines thirteen lunar months within a year, which do not align with the Julian or Gregorian calendars that govern our lives today.


What is My Birth Tree and What Does it Symbolise?

Each tree in the calendar has its own unique symbolism and is believed to have particular qualities and energies that can influence our lives.

Find your birth tree below in this simple month by month guide to birth trees and see if you can relate to the unique features and traits of your tree.


January Birth Tree

The Rowan Tree : January 22 - February 18

The Rowan tree is associated with guardianship, healing, and divination. People born under this tree are said to be highly intuitive, perceptive, and sensitive. They are also known for their creativity, courage, strength, and ability to overcome obstacles.

Celtic January birth tree Rawan

February Birth Tree

The Ash Tree: February 18 – March 17

The Ash tree is associated with strength, resilience, and protection. People born under this tree are said to be highly creative, imaginative, and intuitive. They are also known for their strong sense of spirituality, gentle leadership skills and ability to inspire others.

March Birth Tree

The Alder Tree: March 18 – April 14

The Alder tree is associated with bravery, self-confidence, and spiritual growth. People born under this tree are said to be highly independent, courageous, and self-motivated. They are also known for their charm, ability to adapt to new situations and their strong sense of purpose and inner confidence.

Celtic March birth tree Alder with catkins

April Birth Tree

The Willow Tree: April 15 – May 12

The Willow tree is associated with intuition, emotions, and healing. With a connection to the water element, people born under this tree are said to be highly sensitive, empathetic, and nurturing. They are also known for their ability to connect with others on a deep level and their strong intuition.

Celtic birth tree for April Willow

May Birth Tree

The Hawthorn Tree: May 13 – June 9

The Hawthorn tree is associated with love, fertility, and protection. People born under this tree are said to be highly creative, curious, passionate, and romantic. They are also known for their strong sense of loyalty and devotion, as well as a reputation for being empathetic listeners.

June Birth Tree

The Oak Tree: June 10 – July 7

The Oak tree is associated with strength, stability, and endurance. People born under this tree are said to be highly resilient, determined, and hard-working. They are also known for their strong sense of justice and their ability to inspire others, as well as a natural curiosity for history and ancestry.

June Celtic birth tree the Oak

July Birth Tree

The Holly Tree: July 8 – August 4

The Holly tree is associated with protection, clarity, and strength. People born under this tree are said to be highly energetic, enthusiastic, and confident. Holly signs often take on leadership roles and positions of power. They are also known for their strong sense of purpose and their ability to overcome challenges.

August Birth Tree

The Hazel Tree: August 5 – September 1

The Hazel tree is associated with wisdom, intuition, and divination. People born under this tree are said to be highly intuitive, insightful, and wise. They are also known for their ability to see the bigger picture and their strong sense of purpose, as well a natural gift for numbers, sciences and analytical subjects.

September Birth Tree

The Vine: September 2 – September 29

The Vine tree is associated with abundance, joy, and fertility. People born under this tree are said to be highly charismatic, charming, and sociable. They are also known for their ability to bring people together and their love of celebration, combined with a sometimes unpredictable and spontaneous nature.

October Celtic birth tree Ivy

October Birth Tree

The Ivy: September 30 – October 27

The Ivy tree is associated with transformation, growth, and protection. People born under this tree are said to be highly resilient, adaptable, and resourceful. They are also known for their strong sense of independence and their ability to navigate change and turbulent times. Often quiet by nature, they have a keen wit and charming manner.

November Birth Tree

The Reed: October 28 – November 24

The Reed tree is associated with adaptability, flexibility, and protection. People born under this tree are said to be highly resourceful truth seekers, adaptable, and resilient. They are also known for their keen abilites to think on their feet, keep confidences and go through life with a strong sense of purpose.

November Celtic birth tree reed

December Birth Tree

The Elder Tree: November 25 – December 23

The Elder tree is associated with rebirth, renewal, and protection. People born under this tree are said to be highly intuitive, wise, and compassionate. They are also known for their freedom seeking ways, their ability to heal and their strong connection to the natural world.

New Year Birth Tree

The Birch Tree: December 24 – January 21

The Birch tree is associated with new beginnings, growth, and purification. People born under this tree are said to be ambitious, natural leaders with a reputation for being highly driven and motivated. They are also known for their adaptability, quick wit and inner resourcefulness.

Celtic New Year birth tree birch

Venture into the woods with The Woodland Collection from Alice Stewart Jewellery

Birth Trees are a powerful symbol of the intricate relationship between humans and the natural world, and a reminder of the importance of living in harmony with nature, a practice which is woven deeply through all the pieces I create here at Alice Stewart Jewellery.

The Woodland jewellery collection celebrates our profound bond with forests and trees and captures the magical alchemy and wonder of this relationship, it includes an enchanting range of jewellery inspired by British woodland treasures.

From the slender, silver birch tree to the mighty, ancient oak - you will find delicate earrings, necklaces and rings originally hand carved by me to capture the subtle simplicity of our beautiful trees and woodlands and the magic that can be found there. All of the Woodland jewellery collection is available in either gold or sterling silver.

Alice Stewart